Disaster can strike when you least expect it, is your business ready?
TeligentlP can help you prepare for those worst-case scenarios. Whether the disaster takes the form of bad weather knocking out your power, internet fiber cut due to construction in your area, or cyber terrorism attacking telecom network; being prepared with a disaster recovery plan is critical to all business now and in the future.
Teligent would like to offer to our valued customers the following options to help protect their businesses and networks from any type of disaster.
- Protecting your Toll-Free numbers with Teligent Toll Free Redundancy Service
Toll Free numbers typically reside with a single carrier that delivers toll free service to your business. To prevent a possible TF outage or disruption of service, Teligent can offer redundant protection from this risk. This option is available by setting up your existing Toll-Free numbers to multiple carriers. In the event of an outage, Teligent will have the TF numbers redirected from the primary carrier to a secondary provider allowing your incoming Toll-Free calls to complete. - Protecting your local phone numbers with Teligent Local Redundancy Service
Teligent purchases DID numbers from very specific telecom companies that specialize in controlling and distributing numbers to carriers and suppliers across the country. As a business, you can purchase multiple spare DID numbers that will reside with an alternate carrier so in a case of an emergency, Teligent can failover your incoming calling to the backup numbers. - Protect your Internet with Teligent SD Wan Service
A failsafe Software Defined Wide Area Network would offer increased capacity and improved reliability. Having enough bandwidth to support increased demand as well as delivery predictable reliability and continuous application availability are keys to success.
Additional SD-WAN Protection
Secure Cloud Access with Visibility
Extends the reach of the corporate WAN into the cloud by delivering an encrypted infrastructure with the performance, reporting, and control required to ensure a successful deployment.
Increased Application QoE
SD-WAN ensures that applications work without interruption, even in the case of link failure or network impairments such as high jitter, delay, or packet loss.
Change WAN Economics with Hybrid WAN
Companies can modify their MPLS WAN infrastructure to incorporate low-cost, high-bandwidth broadband links that
SD-WAN technology converts into a business-class network.
With the constant risk of potential carrier outages, security breaches, and attacks that attempt to disrupt or shut down telecommunication services, it’s critical that businesses consider implementing a Disaster Recovery Plan to help protect themselves when disaster does strike.
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